Optical Mark Zone

The data retrieved from this tool acts as the main data input of your test or assessment.

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the Optical Mark Zone button:

  2. Select the zones you want TestAnyTime® V3.7 to recognize. The selected zones act as the main data input for TestAnyTime® V3.7:

  3. In this example, the selected zone acts as a Candidate No. The number is a combination of eight digits, each of which is retrieved from a number pattern of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. Therefore, we have to slice the selected zone into eight rows accrodingly.

    To slice the selected zone, right-click in the space of the zone and select Slice...:

    Note: When right-clicking, make sure no pink nor green lines are touched.
  4. In the Slice Zone window, Horizontal is selected by default. Since we want to slice our zone into eight rows, select Vertical here instead:

  5. Give a meaningful name for the Zones. In this example, we name CanNo for this Candidate No. zone:

    Since each digit row starts with 1, we leave Zone Starting Index unchanged here.
  6. Since we are working on a zone that is a combination of rows, it is highly recommended to group these rows into a group. Select Group and give a meaningful name for this group. In this example, we name the group CandidateNo, in line with this Candidate No. zone:

  7. Since the number pattern of this Candidate No. zone starts with 1 and ends with 0, we have to choose a matching pattern here. Click Advanced:

  8. Inside the OMR String sector, click the button having a black triangle with a tip on the bottom, and then select a matching number pattern:

  9. Click Close and then click OK to finish slicing:

  10. In the working space on the left, there are new eight zones in the Optical Marks Zones:

  11. Each of these zones prefixes with CanNo we defined earlier, and comes with a number pattern of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 that matches the one of our Candidate No.:

  12. There is also a new group under the Group directory, with the name CandidateNo we defined earier:

Please see the interactive instructions below for details:
